A downloadable project

Only binary executable is a Linux executable. (Run it from a terminal in order to use the CLI -- the only interface for the tool.)

The models are entirely made up of quads in this tool and format.

Source code is included with the binary (in tile3d.7z) to recompile if you can't run it.

Also included is an example model: `cube.txt`.

I built it with `gcc tile3d.c -lGL -lGLU -lGLEW -lglfw -lm -o tile3d`. (Pthreads is required)

Note: when exiting the CLI or closing the window, you have to do vice versa as well to fully exit out of the app.

-- exit: Exits the CLI, waits for window to close.

-- add_quad %d %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f: adds a quad to the model. format is add_quad [tile_index] [position_x] [position_y] [position z] [rotation x] [rot y] [rot z] [color r] [color g] [color b] [color a].

-- preview_tile %d: changes the preview tile (on the top right) based on the first arg (0-256)

-- remove_quad %d: removes a quad by the index (first arg)

-- update_quad %d %d %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f: add_quad, but with an additional first arguments that's the index of an existing quad. Updates the aforementioned quad.

-- list_quads: lists information of all quads

-- clear_model: clears the model, removing all quads.

-- save_model %s: Saves the model to file %s.

-- load_model %s: loads a model from file %s.

-- tileset %s: I attempted to allow changing the tileset with this command. It does not work; it segfaults. Do not use it.

All in all, this tool/prototype kinda sucks, but it's the only thing I can show right now that is remotely functional.

It mainly was an experiment to see if I could do a tile-based 3D graphical style where every model is made up of quads that are tiles in a global tileset (and the tileset chosen is a codepage 437 font, lol).


tile3d.7z 107 kB

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